
Blogging can be tricky, and as Dan Shewan said in his blog, “How to Write an Awesome Blog Post in Five Steps,” it can be much like driving a car. Many people have opinions and tips on how blogging should be done, but you never truly know how it’s done until you get to writing. Some of the dos and don’ts of blogging from Brian A. Klems will be reviewed to better understand his tips.

The Dos of Blogging:

  • Find your focus: You must determine who your intended audience is and how you should write your blog to best interest them. You should also define your topic and become an expert at it so that you may know how to alter your information to best fit your intended public. You would not want to write a blog using slang and incomplete sentences if your intended audience was pregnant women in their late 20’s. You must adjust to your audience to allow them to better understand and enjoy your blog.
  • Be relatable, be yourself: This is what will keep your reader coming back for more! Your audience will come for the content but continue to come back because of your personality. No matter how bland your topic is, make sure to put some personality behind it to allow yourself to be relatable.


The Don’ts of Blogging:

  • Be negative: In my opinion, this is one of the most important tips to remember when writing a blog. With so much negativity already in the world, readers come to blogs for a laugh or smile. Be sure to always radiate positivity and uplift your readers whenever possible.
  • Make grammar mistakes: As a personal pet peeve, these definitely should be avoided and corrected at all times. Readers abandon certain blogs because of their grammar mistakes. If a writer is unreliable enough to not edit his/her blog for mistakes, their information will be deemed incorrect and unreliable as well.


Application of These Tips in Communications:

These tips will definitely be useful in my career in the communications field. I will know not to bore my audience and to always be positive. In the world of communications, the writer needs to keep the readers wanting more and I will attempt to do just that through being myself and always editing my posts before publishing. Each week, I will make my posts memorable by including pieces of my personality in them and making sure that I do not make my readers feel as though my blogs are a waste of their time. I will be enthusiastic through my writings and always conscience of who my audience is.

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